App Store For Mac Lion

  1. App Store Mac Os X Lion
  2. App Store For Mac Lion 10.7
  3. Mac App Store Mountain Lion

If not, you'll need to re-download it from the Mac App Store. Launch the App Store and ⌥-click the Purchases tab. An 'Install' button should appear next to Lion. Click it to re-download the installer. Once the installer finishes downloading, go to your Applications folder to find the installer itself. It is called Install Mac OS X Lion.

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I'm the happy owner of an old 2007 MacBook Pro. All said it still runs goods. It has Snow Leopard (10.6.8). But, since there are a lot of apps that don't run on Snow Leopard, I would update it to Lion (10.7), the latest Mac OSX release available for my MacBook. And it costs only €18. Good deal. So I've bought a new license through the Apple Store in Italy. After 6 days (....ummm, this delay was probably caused by Christmas holidays...) I've received an E-Mail from Apple with my license. Ok. Let's download it.

  1. OS X's Gatekeeper feature — introduced with OS X Mountain Lion — places restrictions on which apps can be run on a Mac based on the avenue through which the apps were acquired.
  2. The Server portion of Lion is available as a separate download from the Mac App Store for US$49.99, which is in addition to the purchase price of Lion itself. In July 2012, Lion was removed from the Mac App Store and retail Apple stores following the release of OS X Mountain Lion.

Ummm. Ok. From where? After 1 hour of googling and looking around in the App Store, I've realized that the code you receive in license file is not the product-key, but a redemption code to use on the App Store (instructions in Italian are not clear...). So let's see how to download Lion from App Store.

The E-Mail you'll receive from the Apple contains a serial code

The code you are interested in is the one circled in red. Ok, copy that code. Go in the App Store (you need latest Snow Leopard version, 10.6.8). In the 'Featured' section go to 'Quick Links' menu and choose 'Redeem' entry.

App store mac os x lion

Paste the code you received. The App Store starts downloading Lion. You can see download progress in the 'Purchase' section.

Enjoy your old Mac 😉


How to get updates for macOS Mojave or later

If you've upgraded to macOS Mojave or later, follow these steps to keep it up to date:

  1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu , then click Software Update to check for updates.
  2. If any updates are available, click the Update Now button to install them. Or click ”More info” to see details about each update and select specific updates to install.
  3. When Software Update says that your Mac is up to date, the installed version of macOS and all of its apps are also up to date. That includes Safari, iTunes, Books, Messages, Mail, Calendar, Photos, and FaceTime.

App Store Mac Os X Lion

To find updates for iMovie, Garageband, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, and other apps that were downloaded separately from the App Store, open the App Store on your Mac, then click the Updates tab.

To automatically install macOS updates in the future, including apps that were downloaded separately from the App Store, select ”Automatically keep my Mac up to date.” Your Mac will notify you when updates require it to restart, so you can always choose to install those later.

How to get updates for earlier macOS versions

If you're using an earlier macOS, such as macOS High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, or earlier,* follow these steps to keep it up to date:

App Store For Mac Lion 10.7

  1. Open the App Store app on your Mac.
  2. Click Updates in the App Store toolbar.
  3. Use the Update buttons to download and install any updates listed.
  4. When the App Store shows no more updates, the installed version of macOS and all of its apps are up to date. That includes Safari, iTunes, iBooks, Messages, Mail, Calendar, Photos, and FaceTime. Later versions may be available by upgrading your macOS.

To automatically download updates in the future, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, click App Store, then select ”Download newly available updates in the background.” Your Mac will notify you when updates are ready to install.

* If you're using OS X Lion or Snow Leopard, get OS X updates by choosing Apple menu  > Software Update.

How to get updates for iOS

Mac App Store Mountain Lion

Learn how to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to the latest version of iOS.

Learn more

  • Learn how to upgrade to the latest version of macOS.
  • Find out which macOS your Mac is using.
  • You can redownload apps that you previously downloaded from the App Store.
  • Your Mac doesn't automatically download large updates when it's using a Personal Hotspot.